Monday, April 18, 2011


To provide a better experience for the adventure traveler or those looking for something harder, AMAZON EXPLORER has prepared a schedule of expeditions to remote indigenous tribes in the jungle (Matsés / Mayoruna and Shuar / Jibaro), and jungle survival trainings during 2011.

Start in late June, with a 3-day short course on jungle survival, where military and indigenous techniques to locate, find food, protect and survive in this extreme ecosystem will be learned. By mid-July we have prepared a 15-day expedition to Matsés Indian tribe, river Yaquerana, on the border between Peru and Brazil (South America). There we will live together with this community, observing their customs and listening to their stories. In August there is a 5-day jungle survival training. In September, a 15-day expedition to the Matsés. By October a new jungle survival training of 3 days.

Closing 2011, we have two 20-day expeditions: in November to the Shuar indigenous people. Also known as the Jibaro people their were greatly feared, and were world famous for their Tsantsa, the shrunken heads, who speak Spanish chronicles of the conquest. In December we have a 20-day expedition to the Matsés people.

Remember, AMAZON EXPLORER also organizes conventional expeditions for families, couples and students who wish to learn more about the Amazon and the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve (the largest in the floodable Amazon basin), with the experience and quality that have given us years of traveling in the depths of the Amazon.

Further information on our conventional and adventure expeditions, please contact us to:, and our website

Follow us on our FACEBOOK official Fan page and our Fotolog, where you will find information and pictures of our activities.

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